Galway for European Capital of Culture
I support Galway 2020 😀🎨 Galway2020

Good Luck Galway on the drive for European Capital of Culture 2020, you’ve got what it takes….I think a great mix of……
Artists , Beekeepers, Connemara Composers, Clifden, Carna, Craic and Choristers, Dolphins and Dancers, Eloquent Speakers, Flautists and Festivals, Gymnasts and Galway Gleoiteogs, Hairdressers and Horticulturists, Islands, Jazz and Jewellers, Kings, Latin Quarter Charm, Musicians, Milliners and Muckanaghederdauhaulia*, National Park and Omey Island, Painters and Ponies, Queues for the Last Round, Roundstone Regatta, Rugby and Races, Salthill, Sailors, Students, Scientists and Seals Rock, Tribesmen, Unbelievable Beauty, Ventriloquists, Watercolorists and Wild Atlantic Way, Xylophonists, Yodellers and Zenith…..
Go Galway!
P. S. *Muckanaghederdauhaulia is the longest place name in Galway. On it translates as “pig shaped hill between two seas.” Also on the same website, Glassillaunvealnacurra is translated as “little green island of the mouth of the weir.”
Irish place names are always descriptive and often lose out in translation.
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