Guglielmo Marconi’s Birthdate today
It is 142 years since the birth of Guglielmo Marconi today, Italian inventor and Nobel prize winner, on April 25. Not long after this date the Marconi Transatlantic Wireless Station Site at Derrygimlagh near Clifden will be opened as a Signature point along the Wild Atlantic Way. I’ve been interested in Marconi sites for a while now as I have painted at the Derrygimlagh and Letterfrack (receiving station site) & Cape Cod sites – I’m still working on this painting series and loving every minute of it as it brings back memories of being in the place and the moment.
Detail of ‘Marconi Beach’ one of my paintings from Cape Cod showing the remnants of a mast from the Marconi Station in the sand in lower RHS of image. The Station was damaged in a storm and the area where it stood has washed away through the constant erosion from the sea.
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